Category: Uncategorized

  • Easter Sunday

    On the third day, a wondrous sightBrought hope and joy in morning light The stone was moved, the tomb was bareNo sign of Jesus anywhereBut then an angel, pure and brightAppeared before their startled sight “Jesus has risen from the dead!” And the line art is below if anyone would like to use it as…

  • Silent Saturday

    On the day after the crucifixion of Jesus, the world was quiet and still. It was a day of mourning and waiting, as his followers struggled to come to terms with his death. They felt blessed to have known him, but also fearful of what the future might hold without him. As they mourned, Jesus…

  • Good Friday

    On Good Friday we remember,A love that’s pure and true,Jesus gave His life for us,To make us all anew. He walked the road to Calvary,With love in every step,And on the cross He showed us all,The love that we’ll never forget. And here is the line art if you want to color it in: And…

  • Maundy Thursday

    On a Thursday, long agoJesus gathered with his friends,They shared a meal, bread and wineAnd Jesus said, “This is my body, divine” He washed their feet, a humble actTo show his love, a selfless pactHe prayed in the garden, all aloneUntil he was arrested, his fate shown What a solemn dayA reminder of Jesus’ loving…

  • Spy Wednesday

    On Holy Wednesday, Judas went to the chief priests and told them that he would betray Jesus to them. They were pleased to hear this and promised to pay him thirty pieces of silver. And here is the line art if anyone would like to color it in!

  • Holy Tuesday – Anointed!

    The people gathered for something to eat,With Jesus they waned to meet,A woman came with oil so dear,And poured it on Jesus’ head. The fragrance filled the air around,As Jesus’ love began to abound,He thanked the woman for her gift,So that we can remember her swift. On Holy Tuesday, we learn so muchOf how to…

  • Holy Monday – cleansing the temple

    In the temple, people bought and sold,But something wasn’t right, Jesus saw the money changers and their greed,And to their surprise, Jesus drove them out,The tables overturned, and they had no doubt.Jesus said, “My Father’s house is for prayer, Not a den of thieves!” The people watched in awe and wonder,As Jesus showed His righteous…

  • Palm Sunday

    People cheered as Jesus came,waving palms, they sang His name,”Hosanna to the Son of David!” Jesus, riding on a humble steed,entered the town, a King indeed,”Blessed is He who comes in God’s name” Let’s welcome Jesus with palms today,and sing with joy, as He makes His way,”Hosanna! Hosanna! To the King on high!” Here is…

  • Welcome to Created For The Kingdom!

    We are all created for the Kingdom. God’s Kingdom. And we feel led to move the focus for Easter from egg hunts back to the reason for the season – Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins so that we can have eternal life… Then we also want to continue from Holy Week (Palm Sunday through to…
