Holy Week – from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday


Zechariah 9:9
Matthew 21:1-11
Mark 11:1-11
Luke 19:28-44
John 12:12-19

Zechariah was written around 500 years before Jesus was born… And yet it foretold how Jesus would enter the city of Jerusalem on the Sunday before his crucifixion, death and resurrection…

Zechariah 9:9

The Apostle Matthew mentioned Jesus was traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem after healing two blind men in Matthew 20:30-34.

Matthew 21:1-11

The Apostle Mark wrote that Jesus and his followers left Jerusalem at evening time and spent the night at Bethany,

Mark 11:1-11

The Apostle Luke wrote that Jesus had spent time with Zacchæus and taught by means of a parable of the pounds before traveling to Jerusalem:

Luke 19:28-44

The Apostle John also wrote that Jesus traveled from Bethany to Jerusalem, and that people who had witnessed the raising of Lazurus had accompanied him into the city and testified to this miracle.

John 12:12-16

So on this Palm Sunday in the year of our Lord two-thousand and twenty-two, let us think back and remember that all of the New Testament so far has been building up to this. All the prophecies regarding the Messiah of the Old Testament have been proven true in the form of Jesus Christ, King of Kings. And this king has come with full knowledge that he would die, to Jerusalem. And he did this for me, and you – for all of us, past, present and future… So the Nativity has a counterpart in this holy week, and then further on to the crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and Pentecost…
